


前天在某書坊聽到一首歌是英文歌女聲唱的聲音始柔柔的好像是在副歌的地方唱一唱後會停一下再小聲唱tonight 前奏的旋律很好聽有點輕快希望大家多提供一點線索謝謝


那是 艾薇兒-A Thousand Miles 這首歌我很喜歡 , 第一次聽到是在電影"小姐好白"裡面聽到! 「彈指之間征服全世界」--不平凡的凡妮莎Vanessa Carlton鋼琴, 是她征服全世界的武器,「Tori Amos第二」是滾石雜誌對她聲音的比喻, 更在年初時選她是「2002年最值得期待的十位藝人之一」。 來自美國賓州千人小鎮的凡妮莎,由於從小受到古典音樂的洗禮(媽媽是鋼琴老師)、 爸爸全力的支持(出道前爸爸陪她錄Demon帶錄到凌晨四點), 更有伯樂賞賜(A&M音樂大廠總裁Ron Fair親自坐鎮她的首輯「不平凡Be Not Nobody」), 再加上首發單曲“千里迢迢A Thousand Miles”令人印象深刻、悄悄烙印人心的鋼琴開場, 讓這位年僅20歲、帶點東方色彩長相的七年級鋼琴美少女,在現今的樂壇中顯得相當「不平凡」。 首輯在美國賣座一百萬張、台灣也有四萬張銷售,這樣的成績讓全唱片公司的人都鬆了口氣。 比起艾薇兒在穿著和聲音表現上的個性鮮明, 凡妮莎走的是比較保守的安全路線(和諾拉瓊絲比較相似), 總之就是傳統美國鄰家女孩的打扮便是。 歌詞: A Thousand Miles 千里迢迢 (一千里的路) Making my way downtown Walking fast Faces passed And I'm home bound Staring blankly ahead Just making my way Making my way Through the crowd And I need you And I miss you And now I wonder If I could fall into the sky Do you think time would pass me by Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles If I could just see you tonight It's always times like these When I think of you And I wonder If you ever think of me Cause everything's so wrong And I don't belong living in your precious memories Cause I need you And I miss you And now I wonder If I could fall into the sky Do you think time would pass me by Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles If I could just see you tonight And I I don't want to let you know I I drown in your memory I I don't want to let this go I I don't Making my way downtown Walking fast Faces passed And I'm home bound Staring blankly ahead Just making my way Making my way Through the crowd And I still need you And I still miss you And now I wonder If I could fall into the sky Do you think time would pass me by Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles If I could just see you If I could fall into the sky Do you think time would pass me by Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles If I could just see you If I could just hold you tonight 2007-04-13 19:27:25 補充: OH~ SORRY 謝謝你告訴我! 我知道...........


裡面有男生唱嗎? 如有的話 應該是南拳媽媽的調色盤的tonight|||||喔~是不是這首歌呢!? 凡妮莎的 A Thousand Miles?! 這首歌相當好聽喔!!也是電影"小姐好白"裡的主題歌!! 去聽看看吧!!^^ 希望是你要的那首歌喔!! http://www.wretch.cc/blog/stan6102&article_id=1601225429077F888C89A7E7

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